I received my graded Midterm Take-Home essay last week. I made minor corrections and edits and I have posted it HERE. The title of my paper was 'Plurality? Prove It...' The prompt was to talk about the course, materials, and experiences in so far as we have progressed in the class. The format was that of talking to friends, family, or a person interested in my class. My grade for this paper, much like most of my papers, was an 'A' with candid commentary from my Professor expressing his usual favor for my unique point of view and contrarion stance. Enjoy the paper!
Checkout My C.O.R.P. Page!
This is not an entirely original work, but a basic outline from notes from my Philosophy of Religions course I took in Istanbul this summer, examples from that class as provided by the Professor [Dr. James Kraft of Huston-Tillotson University], edits by yours truly, and the addition of my commentary and material I have learned from my Academic pursuits at OU; with a current focus on my Modern Philosophy of Religion class I'm currently taking.
Click Here to go to my New 'Criticism of Religion Page' [C.O.R.P]